 Date: 2/7/2025

Welcome to our web site.

Northwest Safety Clean provides the latest software for tracking repairs to fire safety turnout ensembles and gear.

Crossed Flags Tracking System is the FREE On-line reporting tool that provides our customers with a vast amount of information including Receiving dates, Return to Service dates, Advanced cleaning, Advanced inspections, description of repairs performed and costs incurred. Our customers are able to query and filter down to locate problem areas to help in specking out future gear. A 'Click & Print' instant Asset Report is available by simply clicking on the asset number of a recently returned garment from the online report. You can print out a summary of repairs with or without the cost information, thereby documenting a 'life cycle' of any garment in your inventory.

Firefighter Ensembles and Garments are tracked by Northwest Safety Clean primarily by:

  1. Asset number (provided by NWSC)
  2. Serial number (manufacturer)
  3. Firefighter name

This is just part of our services! We feel that our software and your continued loyalty has made Northwest Safety Clean a major player in the Verified ISP Turn-out cleaning and repair industry.

All you need is a Password and a User name (issued by us to you at no charge) to access the basic Crossed Flags Tracking System. For a fee, our customers can now access additional reports tools and resources in our premiere area, POSI-TRACK.

POSI-TRACK tracking is our subscription based service that allows Departments to have trained Department Staff perform Advanced cleanings and Advanced inspections with on-line help menus per NFPA 6.4.2. Each customer will have a dedicated database on-line that will allow Firefighters and Administrative Personnel to obtain service records of gear and elements, print reports on serviced garments and also generate Exception Reports on gear coming near to their due date or past due for service.

Average order Turn-around time is 1 week (when pre-arranged); quite often only 1 week even when not pre arranged. Drop-off and walk-ins will be quoted during your visit.

Are YOU ready to take the next step??? Pop the clutch and you're Fish-Tailing!!